CNCat is a web directory software intended for creation of web-resources and articles directory.
The program is easy to install, set up, and manage. CNCat presents the following set of functions:
* Ability to add, edit, and delete links and articles.
* Automatic check of links efficiency (including CRON).
* Links/articles filtering ("through categories").
* Ability to create "black"/"white" lists of links.
* Ability to create and edit categories with unlimited nesting.
* Creation of cross-categories.
* Users' comments and ratings.
* Broadcasting data to RSS.
* Embedding banners.
* Sitemap in XML format (sitemap.xml).
* E-mail delivery.
* Full-text search through the web directory.
* Automatic e-mail notifications.
* Administrative module with moderators.
* A set of templates for the interface configuration.
* Exporting links and articles.
* Multi-language support (English, Russian, Czech, and Ukrainian).
* Importing links, articles, and design themes from CNCat 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x.
* Component for Joomla.
* Component for WordPress.